Sunday, June 7, 2015

another day in Holland

Our youngest little lady has taken to changing her vocabulary a bit. Instead of "country", she now says "world". So the way this comes out is that she'll say something like, "Mama, in this world, do they speak Japan language?"

It's pretty awesome, actually. Totally appropriate, considering these places we are visiting are very varied and interesting and seem quite a different place from home. 

We have now concluded our time in Amsterdam and are waiting in the airport for our flight to Marseille, France to board. The past two days, our final two, were delightful! 

On Friday, I got to live the dream and get up early on my own in order to sneak out to a gallery, solo! Yes, me walking the streets, riding the tram, and wandering the Van Gogh Museum all by my lonesome. It was magical! 

(I know this isn't a Van Gogh, but I think it's lovely - don't you?)

After that, we decided it was time to do the dutch thing and gget on some bikes! Biking with the kids around Amsterdam, however, freaked the socks right off us, particuarily imagining our wild middle child riding her own right up beside cars going by and such. So we hopped aboard a train and went 15 minutes out of town to a little village called Weesp. Now that might sound like a hilarious name, and it might be if it were pronounced as it looks in English, but it's pronounced "Vay-sp". Better, no? 

Weesp was a magical little place that had no bikes left to rent when we arrived, but it had a quaint little village centre with a great ice cream shop, and also a nice little park for us to picnic in, so we had a nice time regardless! 

So, biking failed but we headed back to Amsterdam with plans to try again in the morning, on our last day in the city! 

For dinner we wandered to a little pancake place in town, having bailed on the idea to go across town to the one my sister had recommneded. While is was okay, we should have just gone to the aforementioned one. 

"Which drink should I have?"

The restaurant was called "Carousel" and of course, there was a carousel in it....

BUT, then there was a thunderstorm while we walked home! OH EXCITEMENT!!

After all that thunderstorm excitement, we walked home and headed to bed. 

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