Yeah, so when we set out on our mission to create a list of family values, we put "adventure" in there, knowing that it was something we always kind of valued, but also not feeling like it was something we were pursuing, or even passionate about, at the time. But there is an ebb and flo to life, and as it turned out, we re-welcomed our familiar friend, the travel bug, not long into our journey to creating our life based on our values.
I think the moment we really got serious about adventure this time 'round was when we were sitting across the table from our financial advisor. We were working through some changes to our budget and savings and after sorting out a few things, she looked at us and said, "So, I have never actually known anyone in all the years of doing this work who actually did what you two have done. To actually make a move to downsize at this age, and to actually see the benefit of it, and to carve out what you actually want so deliberately."
This was a huge compliment, obviously! And so inspiring to continue on! But then she continued.
"So, now it's time for you to relax. Stop worrying about saving for the future. You made these changes in order to have some adventure and travel in your life, didn't you? SO DO IT."
And then she left, and we looked at each other, and we decided she was right.
And later this month, after some months of planning and organizing and working out the details, the budget, the fine points, we are going to fly away to Europe and spend four weeks in three different countries.
The first question we get asked when we tell people this is, "Are you taking the kids?"
I think you know the answer. OF COURSE WE ARE! And we're going to have a really great time. :)
Of course you are! Cannot wait to follow your adventure!